New routines

Daddy and I have been talking about how to make our routine together (and apart) a little more formal. I’ve been learning new positions and commands. My current favorite is “heel,” when she calls me by her side- especially out in public. As she gets into bed at night, I ask for permission to join her and when she grants me a “Yes,” I crawl in to offer her a body rub. When Daddy is satisfied, I present her with my ass to take if she wants to (and she frequently does). This is to happen each night we are together.

We now also share a more formal punishment schedule. I have a list of each of Sir’s implements and I am to present her with one each day we spend together. Of course, there is a little catching up to do because she had family visiting from out of town and, well, her cousin only needs to know so much. I wonder if this means we’ll be using all of them in succession when we get together next…

I am remembering an assignment Daddy gave me soon after we started seeing each other. She had me hand write a 250-word essay on the importance of position/obedience training and what I was expecting to learn, as well as potential ideas for implementing. I wonder if/where my Dominant keeps it, because it would be fun to look back on. 

I promise to add some photos soon. We did get back the results of our photo shoot a few months back. 

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